This mathematics course is based on the new NCERT syllabus of class 10. Math (NCERT) course for class 10 is suitable for the students of the CBSE board, UP Board and other boards that follow the NCERT-based curriculum.
What you’ll learn?
This course will cover every concept in a way which will be very easy to understand. We will try to explain the concepts with lots of example problems. We will also cover most of the questions from the NCERT exercise.
We have designed this course in a way that you need to spend just one hour every day to complete the whole course well within your academic session.
This course is completely free for all the students.
0 Students29 Courses

100% positive reviews
23 students
1 lesson
Language: English
0 quiz
Assessments: Yes
Available on the app
Unlimited access forever
Skill level All levels
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